この度、しながわシティバスケットボールクラブは矢澤 海人選手とB3.LEAGUE 2024-25シーズンの契約を締結致しましたので、お知らせ致します。
■氏名:矢澤 海人
■ 生年月日:2001/10/12(22歳)
■ 身長/体重:187cm/86kg
■ 出身地:神奈川県
■ 出身校:Mary Baldwin University
■ チーム歴
2024- しながわシティバスケットボールクラブ
■矢澤 海人選手コメント
Hello, Shinagawa city fans. My name is Kaito Yazawa.
First off, I would like to thank everyone from Shinagawa City from the bottom of my heart for giving me this immense opportunity to enter the professional world of basketball.
Words cannot express how excited I am for my first year; to be able to take my basketball skills to the next level and to learn and grow as a person with everyone from Shinagawa City Basketball Club.
I will not take this opportunity for granted and give it my all every single day.
I look forward to seeing you all this upcoming season.